Welcome to the Business Loans Division of Ballah Loans.

We have marketing partners that are creative with Business Loans. And we can help you.

Ballah Loans has coordinated with Peter Mingils on the Peter News account to work with you. After you fill out this form, Peter or an associate will call and help refine what you are looking for.

Peter Mingils is a business owner and knows that it’s not just borrowing money.

Your real goals might be to “get out of a financial hole”. Peter works with entrepreneurs for building websites, sales and management training, Promotion through Radio shows and more and even can show you how to publish a book.

Once you fill out a form below, you will be sent to a link. Depending on what you need or have coordinated with us, you might want to wait and talk to us, so we can walk you through the process.

Having us walk you through this is recommended.


You can always call Peter directly (386) 445-3585 from noon to midnight Eastern Time.